

In a restaurant index website, we have used Memcache only for storing the 
generated HTML facet list when q=*. This cached object was only used when no 
additional search parameters were specified. It was quite useful because the 
facet list was always present and only changed if real search parameters were 


We found it wasn't feasible to cache arbitrary result sets, there would be just 
too many result sets to cache which would probably never be reused anyway and 
there is the problem  of invalidating cached result sets. I'd rather rely on 
Solr's filter cache instead.


From that point of view, it's only feasible to cache generated objects (HTML or 
whatever format) that you know are being requested many times. It's easy to 
implement and doesn't take too much memory that won't be reused anyway.


-----Original message-----
From: Hitendra Molleti <hitendra.moll...@itp.com>
Sent: Tue 31-08-2010 16:38
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org; 
Subject: Memcache for Solr


We were looking at implementing Memcache for Solr.

Can someone who has already implemented this let us know if it is a good
option to go for i.e. how effective is using memcache compared to Solr's
internal cache. 

Also, are there any down sides to it and difficult to implement.



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