You could index into your id (or another field) the download url of the 
document and then use that to enable download of the document.

Ephraim Ofir

-----Original Message-----
From: Lance Norskog [] 
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2010 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: Download document from solr

Yes. Indexing a PDF&other types with '/extract' means that Solr finds
words in the document and indexes those in a field 'content'. It does
not save the binary contents of the file. You could make a request
handler that fetches one document and generates a redirect to the

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 7:35 AM, Matteo Moci <> wrote:
>  Thank you for the suggestions,
> I just completed the tutorial at
> and i understood that in the GET parameters I can choose wt=standard (and
> obtain an xml structure in the results),
> wt=json or wt=php.
> All of them display the results inline, in the sense that they are embedded
> and entirely included in the response.
> If I submit pdfs (i think it is also for docs and CSVs) files to solr, I
> will get in the results something like this in json:
> [some part of response omitted]
> response":{"numFound":1,"start":0,"maxScore":0.34002018,"docs":[
>    {
>     "last_modified":"2010-08-05T14:07:24Z",
>     "id":"doc1",
>     "content_type":["application/pdf"],
>     "score":0.34002018}]
>  }}
> ( example taken from )
> that shows no content at all.
> The only way I have to retrieve and download the pdf file is to use the
> id=doc1 to access some repository (even a database table )
> that can provide me the content starting from the id.
> Does this look like a common practice?
> Thank you
> Il 02/09/10 08:47, Lance Norskog ha scritto:
>> Solr can return the list of results in JSON or php format, so that you
>> UI can allow a download.
>> You can write a UI in the Velocity toolkit- it's pretty easy.
>> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Matteo Moci<>  wrote:
>>>  Hello to All,
>>> I am a newbie with Solr, and I am trying to understand if I can use it
>>> form
>>> my purpose,
>>> and I was wondering how Solr lists the result documents: do they appear
>>> as
>>> "downloadable files",
>>> just like, or do I need develop
>>> another layer to take care of downloading?
>>> Even a link to the docs might work...
>>> Thank you,
>>> Matteo

Lance Norskog

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