The remainder of an arithmetic division
-----Original message-----
From: Dennis Gearon <>
Sent: Mon 06-09-2010 22:04
Subject: Re: SolrCloud distributed indexing (Re: anyone use hadoop+solr?)

What is a 'simple MOD'?

Dennis Gearon

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--- On Mon, 9/6/10, Andrzej Bialecki <> wrote:

> From: Andrzej Bialecki <>
> Subject: Re: SolrCloud distributed indexing (Re: anyone use hadoop+solr?)
> To:
> Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 11:30 AM
> On 2010-09-06 16:41, Yonik Seeley
> wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 10:18 AM, MitchK<> 
> wrote:
> > [...consistent hashing...]
> >> But it doesn't solve the problem at all, correct
> me if I am wrong, but: If
> >> you add a new server, let's call him IP3-1, and
> IP3-1 is nearer to the
> >> current ressource X, than doc x will be indexed at
> IP3-1 - even if IP2-1
> >> holds the older version.
> >> Am I right?
> > 
> > Right.  You still need code to handle migration.
> > 
> > Consistent hashing is a way for everyone to be able to
> agree on the
> > mapping, and for the mapping to change
> incrementally.  i.e. you add a
> > node and it only changes the docid->node mapping of
> a limited percent
> > of the mappings, rather than changing the mappings of
> potentially
> > everything, as a simple MOD would do.
> Another strategy to avoid excessive reindexing is to keep
> splitting the largest shards, and then your mapping becomes
> a regular MOD plus a list of these additional splits.
> Really, there's an infinite number of ways you could
> implement this...
> > 
> > For SolrCloud, I don't think we'll end up using
> consistent hashing -
> > we don't need it (although some of the concepts may
> still be useful).
> I imagine there could be situations where a simple MOD
> won't do ;) so I think it would be good to hide this
> strategy behind an interface/abstract class. It costs
> nothing, and gives you flexibility in how you implement this
> mapping.
> -- Best regards,
> Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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