Folks, here's an upcoming Solr webinar sponsored by my employer.
It's Hoss on faceting, so it should be good!

-Yonik  Lucene/Solr Conference, Boston Oct 7-8

--------------------------------------- Webinar Details
Join us for a free webcast

Mastering the Power of Faceted Search
with Chris Hostetter

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST / 17:00 GMT

Click here to sign up

Few search features have contributed as much to findability and user
search experience as Facets. By organizing and classifying underlying
information into an intuitive method for filtering information,
faceted searching gives users a powerful tool for navigation and

Once the province of costly proprietary commercial systems, the
Faceted Searching capabilities of the Apache Solr Open Source Search
have led developers around the world to build this popular feature
into their search apps. Yet many of its more powerful features are not
as widely known and used, and offer yet more powerful improvements to
the search experience.

Join Apache Lucene/Solr committer Chris Hostetter of Lucid Imagination
for an in depth technical workshop on the what, why and how of
faceting with Solr, the Lucene Search Server. This presentation will
* the different types of facets that Solr supports
* techniques for dealing with complex faceting use cases
* performance factors to be aware of
* new faceting features on the horizon

About the presenter:
Chris "Hossman" Hostetter is a Member of the Apache Software
Foundation, and serves on the Lucene Project Management Committee.
Prior to joining Lucid Imagination in 2010 to work full time on Solr
development, he spent 11 years as Principal Software Engineer for CNET
Networks, thinking about searching "structured data" that was never as
structured as it should have been.

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