(10/09/09 2:26), Jed Glazner wrote:
Thanks for taking time to read through this.  I'm using a checkout from

the solr 3.x branch

My problem is with the highlighter and wildcards

I can get the highlighter to work with wild cards just fine, the problem
is that  solr is returning the term matched, when what I want it to do
is highlight the chars in the term that were matched.


The results that come back look like this:

<em>Welcome</em>   to the Jungle

What I want them to look like is this:
<em>Wel</em>come to the Jungle

  From what I gathered by searching the archives is that solr 1.1 used to
do this... Is there a way to get that functionality?


Try to use FastVectorHighlighter on n-gram field for highlighting problem...
But FVH cannot process wildcard query. So you should query wel instead of
wel*. Then this makes you got unwanted hit like vo<em>wel</em>.
I don't think there is a solution for both of them with OOTB today.

There is a JIRA issue, but no patches there:




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