On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 11:49 PM, Teruhiko Kurosaka <k...@basistech.com>wrote:

> As I understand it, payloads go to the Lucene index.
> In most cases, the part-of-speech tags are not used if
> retrieved by the search applications.  So they shouldn't
> go to the index.  So I'd like to know if there is an
> existing TokenFilter that does this.  Otherwise, I'd like
> to write one.

I agree with Erick, I think a better approach would be to put the part of
speech tags into another attribute.

For example, you can put them in TypeAttribute, which is not stored in the
index by default.
Then, if the user wants to store them in the index, they just add
TypeAsPayloadTokenFilterFactory, which copies the type into the payload...
but otherwise they would not be stored.

Robert Muir

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