My server has 128GB of ram, the index is 22GB large. It seems the memory
consumption goes up on every query and the garbage collector will never free
up as much memory as I expect it to. The memory consumption looks like a
curve, it eventually levels off but the old gen is always 60 or 70GB. I have
tried adjusting the cache settings but it doesn't seem to make any

Is there something I'm doing wrong or is this expected behavior?

Here is a screenshot of what I see in jconsole after running for a few

Here is a 24 hour period of the same data taken from a custom jmx monitor:

The server performs pretty much as good at the beginning of this cycle as it
does at the end so all of this memory accumulation seems to not be doing
anything useful.

I am running the 1.4 war but I was having this problem with 1.3 also. Tomcat
6.0.18, Java 1.6.0. I haven't gone as far as doing any memory profiling or
java debugging because I'm inexperienced, but that will be the next thing I
try. Any help would be appreciated.



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