
Yep, I was just looking at the analyzer jsp. The ngrams *do* exist as expected, 
so it's not my configuration that is at fault (he says)

Index Analyzer
sh      ho      oo      ot      te      er      sho     hoo     oot     ote     
ter     shoo    hoot    oote    oter    shoot   hoote   ooter   shoote  hooter
sh      ho      oo      ot      te      er      sho     hoo     oot     ote     
ter     shoo    hoot    oote    oter    shoot   hoote   ooter   shoote  hooter
sh      ho      oo      ot      te      er      sho     hoo     oot     ote     
ter     shoo    hoot    oote    oter    shoot   hoote   ooter   shoote  hooter
sh      ho      oo      ot      te      er      sho     hoo     oot     ote     
ter     shoo    hoot    oote    oter    shoot   hoote   ooter   shoote  hooter
Query Analyzer

sh      ho      oo      ot      te      er      sho     hoo     oot     ote     
ter     shoo    hoot    oote    oter    shoot   hoote   ooter   shoote  hooter
sh      ho      oo      ot      te      er      sho     hoo     oot     ote     
ter     shoo    hoot    oote    oter    shoot   hoote   ooter   shoote  hooter
sh      ho      oo      ot      te      er      sho     hoo     oot     ote     
ter     shoo    hoot    oote    oter    shoot   hoote   ooter   shoote  hooter
sh      ho      oo      ot      te      er      sho     hoo     oot     ote     
ter     shoo    hoot    oote    oter    shoot   hoote   ooter   shoote  hooter

Yet, searching either




does not yield results.

When searching for shooter I see 2 results with names:

1. <str name="name">Shooters International Inc</str>
2. <str name="name">Hong Kong Shooter</str>

Yours, puzzled :)

On Oct 8, 2010, at 8:38 AM, Jan Høydahl / Cominvent wrote:

> Hi,
> The first thing I would try is to go to the analysis page, enter your test 
> data, and report back what each analysis stage prints out:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/analysis.jsp
> --
> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
> Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com
> On 8. okt. 2010, at 14.19, Allistair Crossley wrote:
>> Morning all,
>> I would like to ngram a company name field in our index. I have read about 
>> the costs of doing so in the great David Smiley Solr 1.4 book and just to 
>> get started I have followed his example in setting up an ngram field type as 
>> follows:
>>              <fieldType name="text_substring" class="solr.TextField" 
>> positionIncrementGap="100" stored="false" multiValued="true">
>>                      <analyzer type="index">
>>                              <tokenizer 
>> class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory" />
>>                              <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />
>>                              <filter class="solr.NGramFilterFactory" 
>> minGramSize="4" maxGramSize="15" />
>>                      </analyzer>
>>                      <analyzer type="query">
>>                              <tokenizer 
>> class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory" />
>>                              <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />
>>                      </analyzer>
>>              </fieldType>
>> I have restarted/reindexed everything but I still cannot search
>> hoot
>> and get back the company named Shooter. searching shooter is fine.
>> I have followed other examples on the internet regards an ngram field type. 
>> Some examples seem to use an index analyzer that has an ngram tokenizer 
>> rather than filter if this makes a difference. But in all cases I am not 
>> seeing the expected result, just 0 results.
>> Is there anything else I should be considering here? I feel like I must be 
>> very close, it doesn't seem complicated but yet it's not working like 
>> everything else I have done with solr to date :)
>> Any guidance appreciated,
>> Allistair

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