Ok, so if I did NOT use Solr_J I could PUSH a Stream to Solr somehow?
I do not depend on Solr_J, any connection-method would suffice.

On 11/01/2010 03:23 AM, Lance Norskog wrote:
The SolrJ library handling of content streams is "pull", not "push".
That is, you give it a reader and it pulls content when it feels like
it. If your software to feed the connection wants to write the data,
you have to either buffer the whole thing or do a dual-thread
writer/reader pair.

The easiest way to pull stuff from SVN is to use one of the web server
apps. Solr takes a "stream.url" parameter. (Also stream.file.) Note
that there is no outbound authentication supported; your web server
has to be open (at least to the Solr instance).

On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 4:06 PM, getagrip<getag...@web.de>  wrote:

I've got some basic usage / design questions.

1. The SolrJ wiki proposes to use the same CommonsHttpSolrServer
   instance for all requests to avoid connection leaks.
   So if I create a Singleton instance upon application-startup I can
   securely use this instance for ALL queries/updates throughout my
   application without running into performance issues?

2. My System's documents are stored in a Subversion repository.
   For fast searchresults I want to periodically index new documents
   from the repository.

   What I get from the repository is a ByteArrayOutputStream. How can I
   pass this Stream to Solr?

   I only see possibilities to pass Files but in my case it does not
   make sense to write the ByteArrayOutputStream to disk again as this
   would cause performance issues apart from making no sense anyway.

3. Are there any disadvantages using Solrj over some other HTTP based
   solution e.g. creating&  sending my own HTTP requests? Do I even
   have to use HTTP?
   I see the EmbeddedSolrServer exists. Any drawbacks using that?

Any hints are welcome, Thanks!

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