My documents have a "down_vote" field. Every time a user votes down a document, 
I increment the "down_vote" field in my database and also re-index the document 
to Solr to reflect the new down_vote value.
During searches, I want to restrict the results to only documents with, say 
fewer than 3 down_vote. 2 ways to implement that:
1) When a user down vote a document, check to see if total down votes have 
reached 3. If it has, delete document from Solr index.
2) When a user down vote a document, update the document in Solr index to 
reflect the new down_vote value even if total down votes might have been more 
than 3. During query, add a "fq" to restrict results to documents with fewer 
than 3 down votes.
Which approach is better? Is it faster to delete a document from index or to 
update the document to reflect the new down_vote value?


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