On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Tod <listac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a number of fields I need to do an exact match on.  I've defined
> them as 'string' in my schema.xml.  I've noticed that I get back query
> results that don't have all of the words I'm using to search with.
> For example:
> q=(((mykeywords:Compliance+With+Conduct+Standards)OR(mykeywords:All)OR(mykeywords:ALL)))&start=0&indent=true&wt=json
> Should, with an exact match, return only one entry but it returns five some
> of which don't have any of the fields I've specified.  I've tried this both
> with and without quotes.
> What could I be doing wrong?
> Thanks - Tod


Without knowing your exact field definition, my first guess would be your
first boolean query; because it is not quoted, what SOLR typically does is
to transform that type of query into something like (assuming your uniqueKey
is "id"): (mykeywords:Compliance id:With id:Conduct id:Standards). If you do
(mykeywords:"Compliance+With+Conduct+Standards) you might see different
(better?) results. Otherwise, append &debugQuery=on to your URL and you can
see exactly how SOLR is parsing your query. If none of that helps, what is
your field definition in your schema.xml?

- Ken

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