
> All,
> I have a web application that requires the user to register and then login
> to gain access to the site. Pretty standard stuff...Now I would like to
> know what the best approach would be to implement a "customized" search
> experience for each user. Would this mean creating a separate core per
> user? I think that this is not possible without restarting Solr after each
> core is added to the multi-core xml file, right?

No, you can dynamically manage cores and parts of their configuration. 
Sometimes you must reindex after a change, the same is true for reloading 
cores. Check the wiki on this one [1].

> My use case is this...User A would like to index 5 RSS feeds and User B
> would like to index 5 completely different RSS feeds and he is not
> interested at all in what User A is interested in. This means that they
> would have to be separate index cores, right?

If you view documents within an rss feed as a separate documents, you can 
assign an user ID to those documents, creating a multi user index with rss 
documents per user, or group or whatever.

Having a core per user isn't a good idea if you have many users.  It takes up 
additional memory and disk space, doesn't share caches etc.  There is also 
more maintenance and your need some support scripts to dynamically create new 
cores - Solr currently doesn't create a new core directory structure.

But, reindexing a very large index takes up a lot more time and resources and 
relevancy might be an issue depending on the rss feeds' contents. 

> What is the best approach for this kind of thing?

I'd usually store the feeds in a single index and shard if it's too many for a 
single server with your specifications. Unless the demands are too specific.

> Thanks in advance,
> Adam

[1]: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin


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