This very definitely should not happen.

Can you remove the index and reindex everything? And then do these iterative tests?

Which version of Solr are you running?

If these changes do not cure the problem, can you post your schema.xml and solrconfig.xml?

Pramod Goyal wrote:
      I am facing a issue with copyFields in SOlr. Here is what i am doing


    <field name="ID" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
    <field name="product" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
    <field name="product_copy" type="text" indexed="true" stored="true"

    <copyField source="product" dest="proudct_copy"/>

I insert a document with say ID as 100 and product as sampleproduct. When i
view the document in the solr admin page i see the correct value for
the product_copy field ( same as the prodcut field ).
Next i try to update this document and for the field product i give 2 values
sampleproduct and testproduct. When i view the document on the solr admin
it show me 3 values in the copy field i.e. sampleproduct, testproduct and
sampleproduct ( the initial value in the copy field is retained even on
update ).

Why is copyFiled retaining the old values when the original field value has
been updated. If i update the document multiple times all the old values are
still retained in the copyField.

Note that i am using the solrJ api to insert the document. I tried setting
null values for the copy field when i am updating the document but it didnt
solve the problem.

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