Dear list,
another suggestion about SignatureUpdateProcessorFactory.

Why can I make signatures of several fields and place the
result in one field but _not_ make a signature of one field
and place the result in several fields.

Could be realized without huge programming?

Best regards,

Am 29.11.2010 14:30, schrieb Bernd Fehling:
> Dear list,
> a question about Solr SignatureUpdateProcessorFactory:
> for (String field : sigFields) {
>   SolrInputField f = doc.getField(field);
>   if (f != null) {
> *    sig.add(field);
>     Object o = f.getValue();
>     if (o instanceof String) {
>       sig.add((String)o);
>     } else if (o instanceof Collection) {
>       for (Object oo : (Collection)o) {
>         if (oo instanceof String) {
>           sig.add((String)oo);
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   }
> }
> Why is also the field name (* above) added to the signature
> and not only the content of the field?
> By purpose or by accident?
> I would like to suggest removing the field name from the signature and
> not mixing it up.
> Best regards,
> Bernd

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