Am 30.11.2010 10:56, schrieb Greg Smith:
> Hi,
> I have written a plugin to filter on email types and keep those tokens,
> however when I run it in the analysis in the admin it all works fine.
> But when I use the data import handler to import the data and set the field
> type it doesn't remove the other tokens and keeps the field in the original
> form.
> I have sent the query and index analyzers to use the standard tokenizer
> factory and my custom email filter only.
> What could be causing this issue?

It sound like my misunderstanding which I had till the end of
last week about indexing and storing of solr/lucene databases.
I also had several Tokenizers and Filters and thought they aren't working
but only in analysis of admin.
As a matter of fact if they work in the analysis of admin then they work :-)
But you can't see it with the search result page, because the search result
page is always displaying the original stored value _not_ the tokenized or 
indexed value.
The Tokenized/Filtered content will be indexed which is not represented
with the result page.
Check with Schema Browser from admin what the indexed content of your
Tokenized/Filtered field is.

Best regards

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