Set the fragment length to 0. This means highlight the entire text
body. If, you have stored the text body.

Otherwise, you have to get the term vectors somehow and highlight the
text yourself.

I investigated this problem awhile back for PDFs. You can add a
starting page and an OR list of search terms to the URL that loads a
PDF into the in-browser version of the Adobe PDF reader. This allows
you to load the PDF at the first occurence of any of the search terms,
with the terms highlighted. The search button takes you to the next of
any of the terms.

On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Rich Cariens <> wrote:
> Anyone ever use Solr to present a view of a document with hit-terms
> highlighted within?  Kind of like Google's cached 
> <>copies?

Lance Norskog

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