> I have a table that contains the data values I'm wanting to return when
> someone makes a search.  This table has, in addition to the data values, 3
> id's (FKs) pointing to the data/info that I'm wanting the users to be able
> to search on (while also returning the data values).
> The general rdbms query would be something like:
> select f.value, g.gar_name, c.cat_name from foo f, gar g, cat c, dub d
> where g.id=f.gar_id
> and c.id=f.cat_id
> and d.id=f.dub_id
You can put this general rdbms query as is into single DIH entity - no
need to split it.

You would probably want to split it if your main table has one to many
relation with other tables, so you can't retrieve all the data and
have single result set row per Solr document.

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