Paolo Castagna wrote:
we are using Solr v1.4.x with multi-cores and a master/slaves configuration.
We also use HAProxy [1] to load balance search requests amongst slaves.
Finally, we use MapReduce to create new Solr indexes.

I'd like to share with you what I am doing when I need to:

 1. add a new index
 2. replace an existing index with an new/updated one
 3. add a slave
 4. remove a slave (or a slave died)

I am interested in knowing what are the best practices in these scenarios.


Does all this seems sensible to you?

Do you have best practices, suggestions to share?

Well, maybe these are two too broad questions...

I have a very specific one, related to all this.

Let's say I have a Solr master with multi-cores and I want to add a new
slave. Can I tell the slave to replicate all the indexes for the master?

Any comment/advice regarding my original message are still more than

Thank you,

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