I finally figured out how to use curl to GET results, i.e. just turn all spaces 
into '%20' in my type of queries. I'm using solar spatial, and then searching 
both the default text field and a couple of columns. Works fine on in the 

But if I query for it using curl in PHP, there's an error somewhere in the 
I don't know if it's in the PHP food chain or something else. 

Just putting my solution to GETing from curl in PHP and my problem up here, for 
others to find.

 Of course, if anyone knows the answer, all the better.

 Dennis Gearon

Signature Warning
It is always a good idea to learn from your own mistakes. It is usually a 
idea to learn from others’ mistakes, so you do not have to make them yourself. 
from 'http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/security/?p=4501&tag=nl.e036'

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