Hi all,
I'm currently using Solr and I've got a question about filtering on a lower 
level than filter queries.
We want to be able to restrict the documents that can possibly be returned to a 
users query. From another system we'll get a list of document unique ids for 
the user which is all the documents that they can possibly see (i.e. a base 
index list as such). The criteria for what document ids get returned is going 
to be quite flexible. As the number of ids can be up to index size - 1 (i.e. 
thousands) using a filter query doesn't seem right for entering a filter query 
which is so large.
Can something be done at a lower level - perhaps at a Lucene level - as I 
understand Lucene starts from a bitset of possible documents it can return - 
could we AND this with a filter bitset returned from the other system? Would 
this be a good way forward? 
And then how would you do this in Solr with still keeping Solr's extra 
functionality it brings over Lucene. A new SearchHandler?


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