During data import can you update a record with min and max fields, these
would be equal in the case of a single non range value.

I know this is not a solr solution but a data pre-processing one but would

Failing the above i've saw in the docs reference to a compound value field
(in the context of points, ie point = lat , lon which would be a nice way to
store your range fields anthough i still think you will need to pre-process
your data.

cheers lee

On 15 December 2010 18:22, Jonathan Rochkind <rochk...@jhu.edu> wrote:

> I'm not sure you're right that it will result in an out-of-memory error if
> the range is too large. I don't think it will, I think it'll be fine as far
> as memory goes, because of how Lucene works. Or do you actually have reason
> to believe it was causing you memory issues?  Or do you just mean memory
> issues in your "transformer", not actually in Solr?
> Using Trie fields should also make it fine as far as CPU time goes.  Using
> a trie int field with a non-zero "precision" should likely be helpful in
> this case.
> It _will_ increase the on-disk size of your indexes.
> I'm not sure if there's a better approach, i can't think of one, but maybe
> someone else knows one.
> On 12/15/2010 12:56 PM, Arunkumar Ayyavu wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have a typical case where in an attribute (in a DB record) can
>> contain different ranges of numeric values. Let us say the range
>> values in this attribute for "record1" are
>> (20000-40000,5000-8000,45000-50000,454,231,1000). As you can see this
>> attribute can also contain isolated numeric values such as 454, 231
>> and 1000. Now, I want to return "record1" if the user searches for
>> 20001 or 5003 or 231 or 50000. Right now, I'm exploding the range
>> values (within a transformer) and indexing "record1" for each of the
>> values within a range. But this could result in out-of-memory error if
>> the range is too large. Could you help me figure out a better way of
>> addressing this type of queries using Solr.
>> Thanks a ton.

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