Hello guys,

We at scribd.com have recently deployed our new search cluster based
on Dec 1st, 2010 branch_3x solr code and we're very happy about the
new features in brings.
Though looks like we have a weird problem here: once a day our servers
handling sharded search queries (frontend servers that receive
requests and then fan them out to backend machines) die. Everything
looks cool for a day, memory usage is stable, GC is doing its work as
usual.... and then eventually we get a weird GC activity spike that
kills whole VM and the only way to bring it back is to kill -9 the
tomcat6 vm and restart it. We've tried different GC tuning options,
tried to reduce caches to almost a zero size, still no luck.

So I was wondering if there were any known issues with solr branch 3x
in the last month that could have caused this kind of problems or if
we could provide any more information that could help to track down
the issue.


Alexey Kovyrin

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