On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 4:55 PM, Bac Hoang <bac.ho...@axonactive.vn> wrote:
> Hello Erick,
> Could you kindly give a hand on my problem. Any ideas, hints, suggestions
> are highly appreciated. Many thanks
> 1. The problem: Solr index directory '/solr/data/index' doesn't exist.
> Creating new index...
> 2. Some other info.:
> - use the solr example 1.4.1
> - Geronimo 2.1.6
> - solr home: /opt/dev/config/solr
> - dataDir: /opt/dev/config/solr/data/index.

Shouldn't the dataDir be /opt/dev/config/solr/data?

Alternatively, try removing /opt/dev/config/solr/data (please
first make sure  that you have no critical data there), and
restarting Solr. If dataDir is missing, Solr should create it.


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