Another technique, which works great for facet fq's and avoids the need to worry about escaping, is using the "field" query parser instead:

fq={!field f=Product}Electric Guitar

Using the "field" query parser avoids the need for ANY escaping of your value at all, which is convenient in the facetting case -- you still need to URI-escape (ampersands for instance), but you shouldn't need to escape any Solr special characters like parens or double quotes or anything else, if you've made your string suitable for including in a URI. With the "field" query parser, a lot less to worry about.

On 12/22/2010 9:53 AM, Dyer, James wrote:
The phrase solution works as does escaping the space with a backslash:  
fq=Product:Electric\ Guitar ... actually a lot of characters need to be escaped 
like this (amperstands and parenthesis come to mind)...

I assume you already have this indexed as "string", not "text"...

James Dyer
E-Commerce Systems
Ingram Content Group
(615) 213-4311

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy []
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 1:11 AM
Subject: White space in facet values

How do I handle facet values that contain whitespace? Say I have a field "Product" that I want to facet on. A 
value for "Product" could be "Electric Guitar". How should I handle the white space in 
"Electric Guitar" during indexing? What about when I apply the constraint fq=Product:Electric Guitar?

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