I have products, each has a specific Product ID.

For certain products such as "Shirts", there are also extra fields such as 
"Size" and "Color".

Right now I define both "Size" and "Color" as multiValued fields. And when I 
have a Shirt of Size M and Color white, I just put "M" in "Size" and "white" in 
"Color". Now if I have another shirt with the same Product ID but Size L and 
Color blue, I add "L" to "Size" and "blue" to "Color".

This causes a problem during faceting. If a user filters on "M" for "Size" and 
"blue" for "Color", he'd get a match. But in reality there isn't a shirt with 
Size M and Color blue.

Is there any way to encode the data to "tie" Size M to Color white, and to tie 
Size L to Color blue so that the filtering would come out right? How should I 
handle this use case?



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