Well, getting close to the time when the 'rubber meets the road'.

A couple of questions about dynamic fields.

  A/ How much room in the index do 'non used' dynamic fields add per record, 
  B/ Is the search done on the dynamic filed name in the schema, or on the name 
that was matched?
  C/ Anyone done something like:

    //schema file// (representative, not actual)


Then have fields in the imported data (especially using a DIH importing from a 
VIEW) that have custom names like:
    //import source//(representative, not actual)


Is this how dynamic fields are used? I was thinking of having approximately 
dynamic fields per datatype of interest.

  D/ If I wanted all text based dynamic fields added to some common field in 
index (sorry, bad terminology), how is that done?


 Dennis Gearon

Signature Warning
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idea to learn from others’ mistakes, so you do not have to make them yourself. 
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