Dear Solr-users,

is there a compilation of FAQs particularly targeting at schema design? I have 
a two questions that probably have been asked before:

- I have to map different kinds of documents into my schema. Some of these 
documents have one or multiple time/dates that might be relevant for querying 
or sorting. I feel that it would be best to keep dates with different semantics 
in different fields. Does it pose any problems when some of these fields are 
filled only for certain documents? Probably when such a field is used for 
sorting, documents not providing a field value will be at one end of the result 
set, depending on sort order?

- Sometimes several documents belong together as they are part of a bigger 
concept. I could keep a reference to this concept along with every document in 
the index. Now would it be possible to perform a search where hits on documents 
are grouped by these concepts? That is, I would like to get a result list that 
contains *only one* entry per concept but for each of these entry gives me a 
hit which document(s) contained the match?

Thanks a lot!

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