String fields are unanalyzed, so case matters. Are you sure you're not
using a different case (try KeywordTokenizer + lowercaseFilter if you
want these normalized to, say, lower case).

If that isn't the problem, could we see the results if you add
to your URL? That often helps diagnose the problem.

Take a look at your solr/admin page, "schema browser" to examine the actual
contents of the "crawl" field and see if they're really what you expect.


On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Claudio Martella <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm crawling different intranets so i developed a nutch plugin to add a
> static field for each of these crawls.
> I do have now in SOLR my documents with their specific "craw" field. If
> i search withing solr i can see my documents being returned with that
> field.
> The field definition in the schema is:
> <field name="crawl" type="string" stored="true" indexed="true"/>
> I'd like to put a checkbox in my websearch app to choose with partition
> to search in. So i thought i'd implement it by simply using:
> /select?indent=on&version=2.2&q=crawl%3Avalue+AND+query but nothing is
> returned. I also just tried crawl:value, which i'd expect to return all
> the documents from that crawl, but no results are sent back. As the
> field is indexed and stored and i can see the documents owning that
> field from normal query results, what could i be missing?
> --
> Claudio Martella
> Digital Technologies
> Unit Research & Development - Analyst
> TIS innovation park
> Via Siemens 19 | Siemensstr. 19
> 39100 Bolzano | 39100 Bozen
> Tel. +39 0471 068 123
> Fax  +39 0471 068 129
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> process your personal data in order to fulfil contractual and fiscal
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> events. Your personal data are processed with and without electronic means
> and by respecting data subjects' rights, fundamental freedoms and dignity,
> particularly with regard to confidentiality, personal identity and the right
> to personal data protection. At any time and without formalities you can
> write an e-mail to in order to object the processing of
> your personal data for the purpose of sending advertising materials and also
> to exercise the right to access personal data and other rights referred to
> in Section 7 of Decree 196/2003. The data controller is TIS Techno
> Innovation Alto Adige, Siemens Street n. 19, Bolzano. You can find the
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