
During replication:
* extra disk IO on slaves during replication - worst if you are replicating an 
optimized index, which can hurt if your index is not RAM resident
* the above will consume some of your OS buffer cache, which can hurt
* increased network usage - never seen this becoming a real problem, but if you 
are replicating a large and always optimized index, it might cause problems

After replication:
* potentially high CPU usage during the warmup of the new IndexSearcher, 
depending on warmup queries used, cache warmup settings, etc.

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----- Original Message ----
> From: Tri Nguyen <>
> To:
> Sent: Wed, January 19, 2011 2:56:58 PM
> Subject: Re: performance during index switch
> Yes, during a commit.
> I'm planning to do as you suggested, having a  master do the indexing and 
>replicating the index to a slave which leads to my  next questions.
> During the slave replicates the index files from the  master, how does it 
>impact performance on the slave?
> Tri
> ---  On Wed, 1/19/11, Jonathan Rochkind <> wrote:
> From:  Jonathan Rochkind <>
> Subject: Re:  performance during index switch
> To: ""  <>
> Date:  Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 11:30 AM
> During commit?
> A commit  (and especially an optimize) can be expensive in terms of both CPU 
>and RAM as  your index grows larger, leaving less CPU for querying, and 
>less RAM  which can cause Java GC slowdowns in some cases.
> A common suggestion is  to use Solr replication to seperate out a Solr index 
>that you index to, and then  replicate to a slave index that actually serves 
>your queries. This should  minimize any performance problems on your 'live' 
>while indexing, although  there's still something that has to be done for the 
>actual replication of  course. Haven't tried it yet myself.  Plan to -- my 
>is actually to put them  both on the same server (I've only got one), but in 
>seperate JVMs, and on a  server with enough CPU cores that hopefully the 
>indexing won't steal CPU the  querying needs.
> On 1/19/2011 2:23 PM, Tri Nguyen wrote:
> >  Hi,
> >   Are there performance issues during the index switch?
> >   As  the size of index gets bigger, response time slows down?  Are there 
> > any 
>studies  on this?
> >   Thanks,
> >   Tri

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