Are you showing the facets with &facet parameters in your request?

Then you can ask for the facets to be returned sorted by byte-order with facet.sort=index.

Got nothing to do with your schema, let alone your DIH import configuration that you showed us. Just a matter of how you ask Solr for facets.

Byte order is not neccesarily exactly 'alphabetical' order, if your facets are not 7-bit-ascii and/or if they contain punctuation. If your facet values are just 7-bit ascii characters and spaces, it should basically be alphabetical order.

But that's all that Solr offers, as far as I know.

On 1/20/2011 12:34 PM, PeterKerk wrote:
I want to provide a list of facets to my visitors order alphabetically, for
example, for the 'features' facet I have:

<entity name="location_feature" query="select featureid from
location_features where locationid='${}'">
        <entity name="feature" query="select title from features where id =
'${location_feature.featureid}' ORDER BY title ASC">
                <field name="features" column="title" />

<field name="features" type="textTight" indexed="true" stored="true"
<field name="features_raw" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
<copyField source="features" dest="features_raw"/>

But this doesnt give me the facets in an alphabetical order.

Besides the features facet, I also have some other facets that ALSO need to
be shown in alphabetical order. How to approach this?

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