No, not exactly. In general, people don't expose their Solr API direct to the world -- they front Solr with some software that is exposed to the world. (If you do expose your Solr API directly to the world, you will need to think carefully about security, and make sure you aren't letting anyone in the world do things you don't want them to do to your Solr index, like commit new documents!).

It would not be all that hard to write software that searches Solr on the backend via an OpenSearch interface -- an OpenSearch interface is basically just results in Atom format, usually. And then just an OpenSearch Description document that just specifies what your search URL is. You'd have to have things like 'title' or 'last updated' or whatever other fields you want in your Atom result in Solr stored fields, if you wanted to get them purely from Solr -- and you'd have to tell this hypothetical "OpenSearch front end" what Solr stored fields to use for what elements in the Atom response. So it's not something where some software could just go on top of any Solr index at all and provide a valid Atom or RSS response (which is basically all OpenSearch is).

I do not know if anyone else has already written an open source configurable "atom/opensearch front-end to Solr", you could try googling around. But it would not be a very difficult task for a programmer familiar with Solr and with OpenSearch/Atom/RSS.


On 1/20/2011 4:29 PM, Tod wrote:
Does Solr support the Opensearch format?  If so could someone point me
to the correct documentation?

Thanks - Tod

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