: I was working on an checkout of the 3.x branch from about 6 months ago.
: Everything was working pretty well, but we decided that we should update and
: get what was at the head.  However after upgrading, I am now getting this

FWIW: please be specific.  "head" of what? the 3x branch? or trunk?  what 
revision in svn does that corrispond to? (the "svnversion" command will 
tell you)

: HTTP ERROR 400 undefined field: *
: If I clear the fl parameter (default is set to *, score) then it works fine
: with one big problem, no score data.  If I try and set fl=score I get the same
: error except it says undefined field: score?!
: This works great in the older version, what changed?  I've googled for about
: an hour now and I can't seem to find anything.

i can't reproduce this using either trunk (r1067044) or 3x (r1067045)

all of these queries work just fine...


...you'll have to proivde us with a *lot* more details to help understand 
why you might be getting an error (like: what your configs look like, what 
the request looks like, what the full stack trace of your error is in the 
logs, etc...)


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