Hi All

I am writing a custom QueryParserPlugin for solr to fulfill a
specific requirement. Now when I Build query object, I need to feed that
object with terms, for that I get analyzer from the request as

Analyzer analyzer =

now in schema TextField has type "text" that is configured as

<fieldtype name="text" class="solr.TextField">


<tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"

<filter class="solr.StandardFilterFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>



now when i get TokenStream

TolenStream ts=analyzer.tokenStream("TextField",new StringReader("ri*"));

it simply removes wild cards from the term, analyzer has the
same behavior even if I escape wild card as

TolenStream ts=analyzer.tokenStream("TextField",new StringReader("ri\\*"));

Please suggest

Ahsan Iqbal

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