Hello all,

I have just finished to book "Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server". I now 
understand most of the basics of Solr and also how we can scale the solution. 
Our goal is to have a centralized search service for a multitude of apps.

Our first application which we want to index, is a system in which we must 
index documents through Solr Cell. These documents are associated to certain 
clients (companies). Each client can have a multitude of users, and each user 
can be part of a group of users. We have permissions on each physical document 
in the system, and we want this to also be present in our enterprise search for 
the system.

I read that we can associate roles and ids to solr documents in order to show 
only a subset of search results for a particular user. The question I am asking 
is this. A best practice in Solr is to batch commit changes. The problem in my 
case is that if we change a documents permissions (role), and if we batch 
commit there can be a period where the document in the search results can be 
associated to the old role. What should I do in this case? Should I just commit 
the change right away? What if this action is done many times by many clients, 
will the performance still scale even if I do not batch commit my changes? 


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