No. In fact, there's no way to search over multi-cores at once in Solr at all, even before you get to your boosting question. Your different cores are entirely different Solr indexes, Solr has no built-in way to combine searches accross multiple Solr instances.

[Well, sort of it can, with sharding. But sharding is unlikely to be a solution to your problem either, UNLESS you problem is that your solr index is so big you want to split it accross multiple machines for performance. That is the problem sharding is meant to solve. People trying to use it to solve other problems run into trouble.]

On 2/14/2011 1:59 PM, Tanner Postert wrote:
I have a multicore system and I am looking to boost results by date, but
only for 1 core. Is this at all possible?

Basically one of the core's content is very new, and changes all the time,
and if I boost everything by date, that core's content will almost always be
at the top of the results, so I only want to do the date boosting to the
cores that have older content so that their more recent results get boosted
over the older content.

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