> In my own Solr 1.4, I am pretty sure that running an index optimize does
> give me significant better performance. Perhaps because I use some
> largeish (not huge, maybe as large as 200k) stored fields.

200.000 stored fields? I asume that number includes your number of documents? 
Sounds crazy =)

> So I'm interested in always keeping my index optimized.
> Am I right that if I set mergeFactor to '1', essentially my index will
> always be optimized after every commit, and actually running 'optimize'
> will be redundant?

You can set mergeFactor to 2, not lower. 

> What are the possible negative repurcussions of setting mergeFactor to
> 1? Is this a really bad idea?  If not 1, what about some other
> lower-than-usually-recommended value like 2 or 3?  Anyone done this?
> I imagine it will slow down my commits, but if the alternative is
> running optimize a lot anyway.... I wonder at what point I get 'break
> even' (if I optimize after every single commit, clearly might as well
> just set the mergeFactor low, right? But if I optimize after every X
> documents or Y commits.... don't know what X/Y are break-even).

This depends on commit rate and if there are a lot of updates and deletes 
instead of adds. Setting it very low will indeed cause a lot of merging and 
slow commits. It will also be very slow in replication because merged files are 
copied over again and again, causing high I/O on your slaves.

There is always a `break even` but it depends (as usual) on your scenario and 
business demands.

> Jonathan

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