Hi Praveen,
as far as I understand you have to set the type of the field(s) you are
searching over to be conservative.
So for example you won't include stemmer and lowercase filters and use only
a whitespace tokenizer, more over you should search with the default
operator set to AND.
Then faceting over those field(s) will depend on those type settings.
You may find the following wiki page useful:
My 2 cents,

2011/2/21 Praveen Parameswaran <buz.p...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Is it possible to have 100% accuracy for facet counts using solr ? Since
> this is for a product price comparison site I would need the search to
> return accurate results. for example if I search "sony lcd Tv" I do not
> want
> "sony Led Tv" to be returned int he results.  Please let me know if this is
> possible and how?
> Thanks
> Prav

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