Hi Eric,

could you please let us know where can we find more info about this notation
( fq={!field f=category})? What is it called, how to use it etc? Is there a
wiki page?

- Savvas

On 23 February 2011 14:17, Erik Hatcher <erik.hatc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Try -
>  fq={!field f=category}<insert value, URL encoded of course, here>
> You can also try surrounding with quotes, but that gets tricky and you'll
> need to escape things possibly.  Or you could simply backslash escape the
> whitespace (and colon, etc) characters.
>        Erik
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 08:25 , Rosa (Anuncios) wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to reduce results from facets. (by category with my schema)
> >
> > My category field is String type in my schema.xml.
> >
> > The problem i've got is when the category value has space or special
> caracter it doen't work?
> >
> > Example:
> >
> > ?q=home&fq=category:Appartement  ---> works fine
> >
> > ?q=home&fq=category:Appartement for rent    --> doesn't work?
> >
> > ?q=home&fq=category:Appartement > Sale    --> doesn't work?
> >
> > I guess there is a workaround this? Sorry if it's obvious... i'm a newbie
> with Solr
> >
> > thanks for your help
> >
> > rosa

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