Hmm, depending on what you are actually needing to do, can you do it with a 
simple fq param to filter out what you want filtered out, instead of needing to 
write custom Java as you are suggesting? It would be a lot easier to just use 
an fq. 

How would you describe the documents you want to filter from the query results 
page?  Can that description be represented by a Solr query you can already 
represent using the lucene, dismax, or any other existing query? If so, why not 
just use a negated fq describing what to omit from the results?
From: Babak Farhang []
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 6:58 PM
To: solr-user
Subject: query results filter

Hi everyone,

I have some existing solr cores that for one reason or another have
documents that I need to filter from the query results page.

I would like to do this inside Solr instead of doing it on the
receiving end, in the client.  After searching the mailing list
archives and Solr wiki, it appears you do this by registering a custom
SearchHandler / SearchComponent with Solr.  Still, I don't quite
understand how this machinery fits together.  Any suggestions / ideas
/ pointers much appreciated!



Ideally, I'd like to find / code a solution that does the following:

1. A request handler that works like the StandardRequestHandler but
which allows an optional DocFilter (say, modeled like the interface)
2. Allows current pagination to work transparently.
3. Works transparently with distributed/sharded queries.

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