Okay, I did manage to find a clue from the log that it's not working, when it's not working:

INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/66  config=null

config=null, that's not right. When I try to over-ride the config file name in solr.xml core config, I can't seem to put a name in there that works to find a file that does actually exist. Unless I put the name "solrconfig.xml" in there, then it works fine, heh.

On 2/28/2011 3:00 PM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
On 2/28/2011 1:09 PM, Ahmet Arslan wrote:
(The reason I want to do this is so I can have master and
slave in replication have the exact same repo checkout for
their conf directory, but have the master using a different
solrconfig.xml, one set up to be master.)
How about using same solrconfig.xml for master too? As described here:


That isn't great, becuase there are more differences in optimal
solrconfig.xml between master and slave than just the replication
handler difference, which that URL covers.

A master (which won't be queried against) doesn't need spellcheck
running after commits, but the slave does. A master doesn't need slow
newsearcher/firstsearcher query warm-ups, but the slave does. The master
may be better with different (lower) cache settings, since it won't be
used to service live queries.

The documentation clearly suggests it _ought_ to be possible to tell a
core the name of it's config file (default solrconfig.xml) to be
something other than solrconfig.xml -- but I havent' been able to make
it work, and find the lack of any errors in the log file when it's not
working to be frustrating.

Has anyone actually done this? Can anyone confirm that it's even
possible, and the documentation isn't just taking me for a ride?

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