Unless I'm doing something wrong, in my experience in multi-core Solr in 1.4.1, you NEED to explicitly provide an absolute path to the 'data' dir.

I set up multi-core like this:

<cores adminPath="/admin/cores">
<core name="some_core" instanceDir="some_core">

Now, setting instanceDir like that works for Solr to look for the 'conf' directory in the default location you'd expect, ./some_core/conf.

You'd expect it to look for the 'data' dir for an index in ./some_core/data too, by default. But it does not seem to. It's still looking for the 'data' directory in the _main_ solr.home/data, not under the relevant core directory.

The only way I can manage to get it to look for the /data directory where I expect is to spell it out with a full absolute path:

<core name="some_core" instanceDir="some_core">
<property name="dataDir" value="/path/to/main/solr/some_core/data" />

And then in the solrconfig.xml do a <dataDir>${dataDir}</dataDir>

Is this what everyone else does too? Or am I missing a better way of doing this? I would have thought it would "just work", with Solr by default looking for a ./data subdir of the specified instanceDir. But it definitely doesn't seem to do that.

Should it? Anyone know if Solr in trunk past 1.4.1 has been changed to do what I expect? Or am I wrong to expect it? Or does everyone else do multi-core in some different way than me where this doesn't come up?


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