Hi Rajani,


2011/3/8 rajini maski <rajinima...@gmail.com>

> Tommaso, Please can you share any link that explains me about how to enable
> and do load balancing on the machines that you did mention above..?
if you're querying Solr via SolrJ [1] you could use the LBHttpSolrServer [2]
otherwise, if you still want Solr to be responsible for load balancing,
implement a custom handler which wraps it (see [3]).
Consider also that this load balancing often gets done using a VIP [4] or an
Apache HTTP server in front of Solr.
Hope this helps,

[1] : http://wiki.apache.org/solr/Solrj
[2] : http://wiki.apache.org/solr/LBHttpSolrServer
[3] : http://markmail.org/thread/25jrko5s7wlmzjf7
[4] : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_IP_address

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