: AND ((-title:"men") AND (-keywords:"men") AND (-description:"men"))
: As soon as I put in -field:"value" it yeilds no results... even though there
: are a ton of results that match the criteria :/

you didn't add -field:"value" ... you added (-field:"value")

the parens are significant.

the parents create a boolean query, and inside that boolean query you have 
one clause which is purely negative.

a boolean query with all negative clauses by definittion matches nothing.

in your outher query, you have then made that boolean query mandatory 
(because of the "AND") which means your outer query can't match anythign 

removing the parens would probably work, or using a meme of (*:* 
-keywords:"men") would probably work.

(Solr does a good job of helping you with "pure negative" queries at the 
top level of your syntax (ie: fq=-field:"value") but it doesn't traverse 
the entire query looking for things that are structural valid but don't 
actually match anything ... that might have been your point when you wrote 


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