: INFO: Creating a connection for entity id with URL:
: Feb 24, 2011 8:58:25 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.JdbcDataSource$1
: call
: INFO: Time taken for getConnection(): 137
: Killed
: So it looks like for whatever reason, the server crashes trying to do a full
: import. When I add a LIMIT clause on the query, it works fine when the LIMIT
: is only 250 records but if I try to do 500 records, I get the same message.

...wow.  that's ... weird.

I've never seen a java process just log "Killed" like that.

The only time i've ever seen a process log "Killed" is if it was 
terminated by the os (ie: "kill -9 <pid>")

What OS are you using? how are you running solr? (ie: are you using the 
simple jetty example "java -jar start.jar" or are you using a differnet 
servlet container?) ... are you absolutely certain your machine doens't 
have some sort of monitoring in place that kills jobs if they take too 
long, or use too much CPU?


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