It's probably the WordDelimiterFilter:

> org.apache.solr.analysis.WordDelimiterFilterFactory args:{preserveOriginal:
> 1 splitOnCaseChange: 1 generateNumberParts: 1 catenateWords: 0
> generateWordParts: 1 catenateAll: 0 catenateNumbers: 0 }

Get rid of the preserveOriginal="1" in the query analyzer.


On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Glòria Martínez
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I can't understand why this query is not matching anything. Could someone
> help me please?
> *Query*
> http://localhost:8894/solr/select?
> <response>
> -
> <lst name="responseHeader">
> <int name="status">0</int>
> <int name="QTime">12</int>
> -
> <lst name="params">
> <str name="explainOther">id:1</str>
> <str name="debugQuery">on</str>
> <str name="q"></str>
> <str name="qf">company_name</str>
> <str name="wt">xml</str>
> <str name="qt">dismax</str>
> </lst>
> </lst>
> <result name="response" numFound="0" start="0"/>
> -
> <lst name="debug">
> <str name="rawquerystring"></str>
> <str name="querystring"></str>
> -
> <str name="parsedquery">
> +DisjunctionMaxQuery((company_name:"( linguajob) pl")~0.01) ()
> </str>
> -
> <str name="parsedquery_toString">
> +(company_name:"( linguajob) pl")~0.01 ()
> </str>
> <lst name="explain"/>
> <str name="otherQuery">id:1</str>
> -
> <lst name="explainOther">
> -
> <str name="1">
> 0.0 = (NON-MATCH) Failure to meet condition(s) of required/prohibited
> clause(s)
>  0.0 = no match on required clause (company_name:"( linguajob)
> pl") *<- What does this syntax (field:"(token1 token2) token3") mean?*
>    0.0 = (NON-MATCH) fieldWeight(company_name:"( linguajob) pl"
> in 0), product of:
>      0.0 = tf(phraseFreq=0.0)
>      1.6137056 = idf(company_name:"( linguajob) pl")
>      0.4375 = fieldNorm(field=company_name, doc=0)
> </str>
> </lst>
> <str name="QParser">DisMaxQParser</str>
> <null name="altquerystring"/>
> <null name="boostfuncs"/>
> +
> <lst name="timing">
> ...
> </response>
> There's only one document indexed:
> *Document*
> http://localhost:8894/solr/select?q=1&qf=id&wt=xml&qt=dismax
> <response>
> -
> <lst name="responseHeader">
> <int name="status">0</int>
> <int name="QTime">2</int>
> -
> <lst name="params">
> <str name="qf">id</str>
> <str name="wt">xml</str>
> <str name="qt">dismax</str>
> <str name="q">1</str>
> </lst>
> </lst>
> -
> <result name="response" numFound="1" start="0">
> -
> <doc>
> <str name="company_name"></str>
> <str name="id">1</str>
> <int name="status">6</int>
> <date name="timestamp">2011-03-01T11:14:24.553Z</date>
> </doc>
> </result>
> </response>
> *Solr Admin Schema*
> Field: company_name
> Field Type: text
> Properties: Indexed, Tokenized, Stored
> Schema: Indexed, Tokenized, Stored
> Index: Indexed, Tokenized, Stored
> Position Increment Gap: 100
> Index Analyzer: org.apache.solr.analysis.TokenizerChain Details
> Tokenizer Class: org.apache.solr.analysis.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory
> Filters:
> schema.UnicodeNormalizationFilterFactory args:{composed: false
> remove_modifiers: true fold: true version: java6 remove_diacritics: true }
> org.apache.solr.analysis.StopFilterFactory args:{words: stopwords.txt
> ignoreCase: true enablePositionIncrements: true }
> org.apache.solr.analysis.WordDelimiterFilterFactory args:{preserveOriginal:
> 1 splitOnCaseChange: 1 generateNumberParts: 1 catenateWords: 1
> generateWordParts: 1 catenateAll: 0 catenateNumbers: 1 }
> org.apache.solr.analysis.LowerCaseFilterFactory args:{}
> org.apache.solr.analysis.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory args:{}
> Query Analyzer: org.apache.solr.analysis.TokenizerChain Details
> Tokenizer Class: org.apache.solr.analysis.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory
> Filters:
> schema.UnicodeNormalizationFilterFactory args:{composed: false
> remove_modifiers: true fold: true version: java6 remove_diacritics: true }
> org.apache.solr.analysis.SynonymFilterFactory args:{synonyms: synonyms.txt
> expand: true ignoreCase: true }
> org.apache.solr.analysis.StopFilterFactory args:{words: stopwords.txt
> ignoreCase: true }
> org.apache.solr.analysis.WordDelimiterFilterFactory args:{preserveOriginal:
> 1 splitOnCaseChange: 1 generateNumberParts: 1 catenateWords: 0
> generateWordParts: 1 catenateAll: 0 catenateNumbers: 0 }
> org.apache.solr.analysis.LowerCaseFilterFactory args:{}
> org.apache.solr.analysis.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory args:{}
> Docs: 1
> Distinct: 5
> Top 5 terms
> term frequency
> lingua 1
> 1
> linguajobpl 1
> pl 1
> job 1
> *Solr Analysis*
> Field name: company_name
> Field value (Index):
> Field value (Query):
> *Index Analyzer
> org.apache.solr.analysis.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory {}
> term position 1
> term text
> term type word
> source start,end 0,12
> payload
> schema.UnicodeNormalizationFilterFactory {composed=false,
> remove_modifiers=true, fold=true, version=java6, remove_diacritics=true}
> term position 1
> term text
> term type word
> source start,end 0,12
> payload
> org.apache.solr.analysis.StopFilterFactory {words=stopwords.txt,
> ignoreCase=true, enablePositionIncrements=true}
> term position 1
> term text
> term type word
> source start,end 0,12
> payload
> org.apache.solr.analysis.WordDelimiterFilterFactory {preserveOriginal=1,
> splitOnCaseChange=1, generateNumberParts=1, catenateWords=1,
> generateWordParts=1, catenateAll=0, catenateNumbers=1}
> term position 123
> term text LinguaJob.plJobpl
> LinguaLinguaJobpl
> term type wordwordword
> wordword
> source start,end 0,126,910,12
> 0,60,12
> payload
> org.apache.solr.analysis.LowerCaseFilterFactory {}
> term position 123
> term text linguajob.pljobpl
> lingualinguajobpl
> term type wordwordword
> wordword
> source start,end 0,126,910,12
> 0,60,12
> payload
> org.apache.solr.analysis.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory {}
> term position 123
> term text linguajob.pljobpl
> lingualinguajobpl
> term type wordwordword
> wordword
> source start,end 0,126,910,12
> 0,60,12
> payload
> *Query Analyzer
> org.apache.solr.analysis.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory {}
> term position 1
> term text
> term type word
> source start,end 0,12
> payload
> schema.UnicodeNormalizationFilterFactory {composed=false,
> remove_modifiers=true, fold=true, version=java6, remove_diacritics=true}
> term position 1
> term text
> term type word
> source start,end 0,12
> payload
> org.apache.solr.analysis.SynonymFilterFactory {synonyms=synonyms.txt,
> expand=true, ignoreCase=true}
> term position 1
> term text
> term type word
> source start,end 0,12
> payload
> org.apache.solr.analysis.StopFilterFactory {words=stopwords.txt,
> ignoreCase=true}
> term position 1
> term text
> term type word
> source start,end 0,12
> payload
> org.apache.solr.analysis.WordDelimiterFilterFactory {preserveOriginal=1,
> splitOnCaseChange=1, generateNumberParts=1, catenateWords=0,
> generateWordParts=1, catenateAll=0, catenateNumbers=0}
> term position 12
> term text linguajob.plpl
> linguajob
> term type wordword
> word
> source start,end 0,1210,12
> 0,9
> payload
> org.apache.solr.analysis.LowerCaseFilterFactory {}
> term position 12
> term text linguajob.plpl
> linguajob
> term type wordword
> word
> source start,end 0,1210,12
> 0,9
> payload
> org.apache.solr.analysis.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory {}
> term position 12
> term text linguajob.plpl
> linguajob
> term type wordword
> word
> source start,end 0,1210,12
> 0,9
> payload
> Thank you very much!
> Glòria Martinez.

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