Not at the moment if i'm not mistaken. The same issue is with Solr 3.1 where 
relative distances are not being returned as field value when doing spatial 
filtering. To retrieve the value one must use the score as the some pseudo 

On Wednesday 09 March 2011 23:06:33 Peter Sturge wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if it is possible during a query to create a returned
> field 'on the fly' (like function query, but for concrete values, not
> score).
> For example, if I input this query:
>    q=_val_:"product(15,3)"&fl=*,score
> For every returned document, I get score = 45.
> If I change it slightly to add *:* like this:
>    q=*:* _val_:"product(15,3)"&fl=*,score
> I get score = 32.526913.
> If I try my use case of _val_:"product(qty_ordered,unit_price)", I get
> varying scores depending on...well depending on something.
> I understand this is doing relevance scoring, but it doesn't seem to
> tally with the FunctionQuery Wiki
> [example at the bottom of the page]:
>    q=boxname:findbox+_val_:"product(product(x,y),z)"&fl=*,score
> ...where score will contain the resultant volume.
> Is there a trick to getting not a score, but the actual value of
> quantity*price (e.g. product(5,2.21) == 11.05)?
> Many thanks

Markus Jelsma - CTO - Openindex
050-8536620 / 06-50258350

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