On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 8:42 PM, Chantal Ackermann
<chantal.ackerm...@btelligent.de> wrote:
> Is this supposed to work at all? I haven't found anything so far on the
> net but I could have used the wrong keywords for searching, of course.
> As answer to the maybe obvious question why I'm not using a subentity:
> I thought that this solution might be faster because it iterates over
> the second data source instead of hitting it with a query per each
> document.

I think that what you are after can be handled by Solr's

Two major caveats here:
* I am not 100% sure that I have understood your requirements.
* The documentation for CachedSqlEntityProcessor needs to be improved.
  Will see if I can test it, and come up with a better example. As I have
  not actually used this, it could be that I have misunderstood its purpose.


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