: But if lucene now can sort a multi-valued field without crashing when there
: are 'too many' unique values, and with easily described and predictable
: semantics (use the minimal value in the multi-valued field as sort key) --
: then it probably makes more sense for Solr to let you do that if you really
: want to, give you enough rope to hang yourself.

(Clarification: it's the the *maximal* value that gets used by lucene in 
that situation) 

I disagree.  

If we do what you describe we'd be relying on users to recognize when the 
sort logic is silently doing something "tricky" under the covers and make 
a concious decision as to if that was what they want, and if not then 
change their indexing to account for it.  

That seems like a recipe for confusion and unexpected behavior.

with SOLR-2339 in place, we tell users explicitly and up front "what you 
are attempting to do can not work as specified" and we force them to 
decide in advance how they want to deal with it -- by either indexing the 
lowest value or hte highest value (or both in distinct fields).

As the code stands now: we fail fast and let the person building hte index 
make a decision.  If we silently sort on the maximal value, we leave nasty 
headache for people who don't realize they are missusing a multiValued 
field and then wonder why some sorts don't do what they expect in some 

Bottom line: from day 1, we have always documented that sorting on 
multiValued fields (or fields that produced more then one document per 
document) didn't work.  If people didn't notice that documentation, they 
aren't likely to notice any documentation that says it will sort on the 
maximal value either -- SOLR-2339 may introduce a pain point for people 
upgrading, but it introduces it early and loudly, not quietly at some 
arbitrary moment in the future when they're beating their heads against a 
desk wondering why some sort isn't working the way they expect it to 
becuase they added some more values to a few documents.


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