And if you have control over machine placement, split them across racks so that 
a power outage on one rack does not take out your search cluster.


On Apr 5, 2011, at 3:19 AM, Ephraim Ofir wrote:

> I'm not sure about the scale you're aiming for, but you probably want to
> do both sharding and replication.  There's no central server which would
> be the bottleneck. The guidelines should probably be something like:
> 1. Split your index to enough shards so it can keep up with the update
> rate.
> 2. Have enough replicates of each shard master to keep up with the rate
> of queries.
> 3. Have enough aggregators in front of the shard replicates so the
> aggregation doesn't become a bottleneck.
> 4. Make sure you have good load balancing across your system.
> Attached is a diagram of the setup we have.  You might want to look into
> SolrCloud as well.
> Ephraim Ofir
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jens Mueller [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 4:25 AM
> To:
> Subject: Very very large scale Solr Deployment = how to do (Expert
> Question)?
> Hello Experts,
> I am a Solr newbie but read quite a lot of docs. I still do not
> understand
> what would be the best way to setup very large scale deployments:
> Goal (threoretical):
> A.) Index-Size: 1 Petabyte (1 Document is about 5 KB in Size)
> B) Queries: 100000 Queries/ per Second
> C) Updates: 100000 Updates / per Second
> Solr offers:
> 1.)    Replication => Scales Well for B)  BUT  A) and C) are not
> satisfied
> 2.)    Sharding => Scales well for A) BUT B) and C) are not satisfied
> (=> As
> I understand the Sharding approach all goes through a central server,
> that
> dispatches the updates and assembles the quries retrieved from the
> different
> shards. But this central server has also some capacity limits...)
> What is the right approach to handle such large deployments? I would be
> thankfull for just a rough sketch of the concepts so I can
> experiment/search
> further...
> Maybe I am missing something very trivial as I think some of the "Solr
> Users/Use Cases" on the homepage are that kind of large deployments. How
> are
> they implemented?
> Thanky very much!!!
> Jens

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