I haven't used PostGIS so I can't offer a real comparison. I think if you were 
to try out both, you'd be impressed with Solr's performance/scalability thanks 
in large part to its sharding.  But for "functionality richness" in so far as 
geospatial is concerned, that's where Solr currently comes short. It just has 
the basic stuff 80% of people want.

~ David Smiley
Author: http://www.packtpub.com/solr-1-4-enterprise-search-server/

On Apr 7, 2011, at 2:24 AM, Sean Bigdatafun wrote:

> Thanks, David.
> I am thinking of a scenario that billions of objects, whose indices are too
> big for a single machine to serve the indexing, to serve the querying. Is
> there any sharding mechanism?
> Can you give a comparison between solr-based geospatial search and PostGIS
> based geospatial search?
>          * scalability
>          * functionality richness
>          * incremental indexing (re-indexing) cost
>          * query cost
>          * sharding scheme support

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